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Fancybox links and select are not woking

I wonder why link doing nothing if I click on it and select close automatically just right after it was opened.

Here is my jsFiddle

To call fancybox window automatically, I use this code: $('#task').fancybox().trigger('click');​

How to fix it?

You are getting confuse about the use of fancybox.

First, you need to set the class="fancybox" to the anchor <a> , not to the <div> parent container of both, the anchor and the target ( select ).

Second, the target should be a different element, not the root (this href="/" doesn't make sense in your case), which contains the launcher and the target.

Third, it would be a good idea to set the proper html structure to the select element, which is inside of a form tag.

See this forked fiddle for a working sample.

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