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Implementing hypermedia-driven API with Grape (or Sinatra)

I'm trying to implement a hypermedia-driven API using Grape mounted directly on top of Rack. Grape supports presenters ("entities") which seem to be the proper place for providing all related hypermedia.

If I had Rails router available, I could simply pick route by its ears and toss it into my presenter logic. For example ( ROAR approach):

link :self do

But Grape itself doesn't provide easy access to routes, as they have no names or aliases akin to article_url .

Has anybody encountered a similar problem with Grape or Sinatra? Is there a clean and simple way of exposing resource links?

This is possible, but not quite as simply as the Rails url helpers.

From https://github.com/intridea/grape#describing-and-inspecting-an-api :

TwitterAPI::versions # yields [ 'v1', 'v2' ]
TwitterAPI::routes # yields an array of Grape::Route objects
TwitterAPI::routes[0].route_version # yields 'v1'
TwitterAPI::routes[0].route_description # etc.

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