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symfony controller class not found

I am new to symfony and maybe I am missing something really simple but I am not able to spot it. Any help will be much appreciated. I have these two files:


    pattern:   /resourcecalendar/login
    defaults:  { _controller: AppsRollerResourceCalBundle:Login:DisplayLogin }


use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;

class LoginController
public function DisplayLoginAction()
    return new Response('<html><body>Hello There!</body></html>');

Yet when I point my browser to http://example.com/Symfony/web/app_dev.php/resourcecalendar/login I get the following error:

 The autoloader expected class "Apps01\ResourceCalBundle\Controller\LoginController" to be defined in file "C:\xampp\htdocs\Symfony/src/\Apps01\ResourceCalBundle\Controller\LoginController.php". The file was found but the class was not in it, the class name or namespace probably has a typo.
 500 Internal Server Error - RuntimeException 

Can someone point out what I am missing when I can see that the class LoginController is definitely there inside the filer?

Thanks Al

I think first of all you should define a namespace

namespace Apps01\ResourceCalBundle\Controller;

as your error told you here:

"namespace probably has a typo."

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