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How to write the following test in Jasmine

My test claims to interpolate data into strings, but actually also checks if the model automatically updates the DOM. How should I handle this situation?

Test for ItemView using Jasmine:

describe("ItemView handles rendering views with a model", function() {

    it("should render a template and interpolate data from a model", function() {

        var user = new Backbone.Model({
            name    : "Peeter",
            age     : 24

        var itemView = new ItemView({
            model       : user,
            template    : 'Hello my name is <%= model.get("name") %> and I\'m <%= model.get("age") %> years old.'


            name    : "Pjotr",
            age     : 25

        expect(itemView.$el).toHaveText('Hello my name is Pjotr and I\'m 25 years old.');



* The code being tested (BaseView has his own tests) *

My base view:

define(['jquery', 'backbone', 'underscore'], function($, Backbone, _) {
    'use strict';

    var BaseView = Backbone.View.extend({

         * Update the dom element
        replaceDomElement : function() {


            var $el = this.$el.empty();
            var $clone = $el.clone();


         * Default serialize function
         * @returns empty object
        serialize: function(){
            return {};

         * Render the view, passing the pictures collection to the view and the
         * inner template
        render : function() {



            var template = _.template(this.options.template);
             * Allow for serialization overwriting
            var options = this.serialize();
            if(this.options.serialize) {
                options = _.isFunction(this.options.serialize) ? this.options.serialize() : this.options.serialize;




    return BaseView;


My item view:

define(['jquery', 'yolojs/views/BaseView'], function($, BaseView) {
    'use strict';

    var ItemView = BaseView.extend({

        className : "item",

         * Helper function to determine which data should the view pass to the template
        serialize : function() {
            return  {
                model : this.model
         * Set up our view to autoupdate on change
        initialize: function() {
             * Assign the cid as a data attribute on the model 
            this.$el.attr("data-cid", this.model.cid);


    return ItemView;


The simplest way to do so was:

describe("ItemView", function() {

            var user;
            var itemView;

            beforeEach(function() {

                user = new Backbone.Model({
                    name    : "Peeter",
                    age     : 24

                itemView = new ItemView({
                    model       : user,
                    template    : 'Hello my name is <%= model.get("name") %> and I\'m <%= model.get("age") %> years old.'


            it("should render a template and interpolate data from a model", function() {


                expect(itemView.$el).toHaveText('Hello my name is Peeter and I\'m 24 years old.');


            it("should call render if the models data changes", function() {

                spyOn(itemView, 'render');

                    name    : "Pjotr",
                    age     : 25



            it("should update the dom element with the new models data", function() {

                    name    : "Pjotr",
                    age     : 25

                expect(itemView.$el).toHaveText('Hello my name is Pjotr and I\'m 25 years old.');



I also had to change my itemview a bit due to the following: Testing backbone.js application with jasmine - how to test model bindings on a view?

This answer is credited to @theml

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