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Get events of a Group with fql api

I need to display all Facebook events inside a group. I know the group id and the creator id but I am unable to display them.

I always get NULL values in the return, as if they don't exist. How can I get this code to work?

  • The group is public
  • I want to display the events on a external page even if the user is not logged in so every visitor sees the events of this group.


facebook = new Facebook(
    array('appId' => $this -> params -> get('appid'), 
          'secret' => $this -> params -> get('secret'), 
          'cookie' => true, // enable optional cookie support

// Get the current access token
$access_token = $facebook->getAccessToken();

$fql = "SELECT name, pic, eid, start_time, end_time, location, description, update_time from event WHERE creator=XXXXXXXXXXX and eid IN ( SELECT eid FROM event_member WHERE uid = " . $this -> params -> get('idfbpage') . ")";    

$fqlResult = $facebook -> api($param);

Returns null lines, even all the events created by that creator would be OK assuming that they create events ONLY for this group.

Did you try with the Graph API?


I just tried it, and it delivers me all the events from a group, i also get older ones. You can also get the owner of the event easily:


You can do this with just an app access token, which is created like this:

$access_token = FBAPPID . '|' . FBSECRET;

If there is a solution with the Graph API, you should always go for it. FQL is a pain.

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