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Ruby on Rails: Simply Can Not Render Nested Attributes

I want to be able to show users who have liked a user's post. I am going to provide a simple amount of information so this issue won't get overwhelming.

I have three classes involved: User, Share and Opinion. Their models are set up likewise:

class User
  has_many :opinions, foreign_key: "fan_id", dependent: :destroy

class Share
  has_many :opinions, foreign_key: "like_id", dependent: :destroy
  has_many :likes, through: :opinions
  has_many :agreeables, foreign_key: "fan_id", class_name: "Opinion", dependent: :destroy
  has_many :fans, through: :agreeables

class Opinion
  belongs_to :fan, class_name: "User"
  belongs_to :like, class_name: "Share"

In other words: like_id = share.id & fan_id = user.id

Then in my controller:

  def show
    @share = Share.find(params[:id])
    @shares = @share.fans.paginate(page: params[:page])

I click the link to share_path , it renders the page but with nothing on it. When I look at my SQL logs, I notice the problem:

It is not inner joining opinions correctly to have the rendered share ( like_id ) match up with the users who liked the share ( fan_ids ).

Let's say the share.id was 11 and the current_user.id is 5. It's query consists primarily of inner joining opinions to have the like_id AND fan_id = 11 .

Any ideas on how I can fix this problem or an alternate method that is more practical?

Thanks for your help.


For any future readers, the solution was as followed:

class User
  has_many :fans, foreign_key: "fan_id", class_name: "Opinion", dependent: :destroy

class Share
  has_many :opinions, foreign_key: "like_id", dependent: :destroy
  has_many :likes, through: :opinions
  has_many :fans, through: :opinions

And the SharesController and Opinion model was left unchanged.

If you want to get all users who liked a Share , the following code should be enough :

class User
  has_many :opinions, foreign_key: "fan_id", dependent: :destroy
  has_many :shares, through: :opinions

class Share
  has_many :opinions, foreign_key: "like_id", dependent: :destroy
  has_many :fans, through: :opinions # I'm not sure, but you might need to add class_name option here

class Opinion
  belongs_to :fan, class_name: "User"
  belongs_to :like, class_name: "Share"

In your controller, @shares = @share.fans.paginate(page: params[:page]) will return the list of users(fans)

EDIT : As you're not using conventional names (fan instead of User and like instead of Share), you might need to add more options like inverse_of and class_name, but I'm not really sure about that

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