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JQuery plugin form - how to submit form using onchange event

I am new to JQuery - I need to use the JQuery form plugin for a file upload but I would like to submit the form as soon as the file is selected (onchange event of the the input tag:myfile, as shown below),

    <form encType="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="file-echo.php" encoding="multipart/form-data" id='fileUploadForm'>
        **<input name="myfile" type="file">**
        <input value="Upload File to Server" type="submit">

    <div class="progress">
        <div style="width: 0%;" class="bar"></div>
        <div class="percent">0%</div>

    <div id="status"><br></div>

I copied the following sample JS code from plugin website but I would like to adapt it so that the form is submitted upon selecting the file. Any pointers please ? thanks in advance.


         // alert("");
            beforeSubmit: ShowRequest,
            success: SubmitSuccesful,
            error: AjaxError                               


      function ShowRequest(formData, jqForm, options) {
          var queryString = $.param(formData);
          alert('BeforeSend method: \n\nAbout to submit: \n\n' + queryString);
          return true;

        function AjaxError() {
          alert("An AJAX error occured.");

        function SubmitSuccesful(responseText, statusText) {        
          alert("SuccesMethod:\n\n" + responseText);

If it works at all (since the file upload object is fickle due to security concerns) AND you mean to SUBMIT the form as stated in the original question - then this could work:


If you want to Ajax the data, then try adding some brackets you seem to have been missing


     // alert("");
        beforeSubmit: ShowRequest,
        success: SubmitSuccesful,
        error: AjaxError                               

}); // close the .ready

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