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Symfony2 Doctrine insert/update form

I am trying to compose a very basic form which is capable of inserting and as well updating records in the database. My problem is that each time I press the Save button, a new row is created in the DB. Could you please point to the problem in my source code?

controller: http://pastebin.com/YjMAdHqp

routing: http://pastebin.com/WSV6xCSw

The id column in the database is an auto-increment integer.

Thanks for any ideas.

The right answer for your question is using merge method instead persist. eg:

$your_entity = $form->getData();
$this->em->merge($your_entity); // MERGE not PERSIST

You can read more about Merge Method at the official documentation


  if ($id == 0) {
    $task = new Task();

Your ID parameter defaults to 0 and a new Task is created instead of updating an existing tast.

    pattern: /hello/index/{id}
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeHelloBundle:hello:index, id:0 }

You should seperate create and edit/update action and create a routing for each action.


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