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Google Maps - How to hide coordinates marker

I am using a embed google maps iframe code. But it´s appearing 2 markers.

One for the company and another one for the coordinates. How can I hide the green coordinate marker?

<iframe width="600" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&amp;source=s_q&amp;hl=es&amp;geocode=&amp;q=36.510085,-4.888811&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;t=m&amp;z=14&amp;output=embed"></iframe>


Thanks =)

我认为绿色标记是指“附近的地方”,我不知道是否有删除的方法,但是如果您想删除包含参数“&iwloc = A”的公司,可以关注该公司

<iframe width="600" height="350" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.es/maps?f=q&amp;source=s_q&amp;hl=es&amp;geocode=&amp;q=36.510085,-4.888811&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;t=m&amp;z=14&amp;output=embed&amp;iwloc=A"></iframe>

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