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IE7 visibility bug

I'm experiencing a visibility: hidden bug in IE7. My CSS is as follows:

.image {
*visibility: hidden;

Basically I want everything contained within the div to be hidden, but still occupy and reserve the space (so in this case display: none doesn't work). It works in all browsers except IE7, which seems to ignore the visibility line in the CSS.

Try using text-indent

.image {

text-indent: -10000px;



Dipaks' answer is pretty much what I'd go for too. A slightly different alternative would be to use left: -10000px; See which works best cross-browser. If you have any problems with either, try adding position: relative; to this and overflow: hidden; to the parent element - I have a hunch (I don't have a copy of IE7 handy to check) that IE might cause the area to increase by 10000px, which will mess up your page widths.

添加可见性:隐藏到图像中: http//jsfiddle.net/simply_simpy/n9qZ8/1/

<img class="image" src="http://i.cdn.turner.com/cnn/.e/img/3.0/global/header/hdr-main.gif">​

.image { float:left; width:298px; visibility:hidden; *visibility: hidden; }​

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