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in ASP.NET MVC3 How to bind and provide an action to the listbox with the single selection

In asp.net mvc3 razor view how to bind the list of strings in the listbox with the single selection. I am trying to bind list of Names (List) with the ListBox.


Class StudentInfo
public string id{get,set};
public string names{get,set};

**In Conrtoller**
public ActionResult Student()

List<StudentInfo> liststudent=new LIst<StudentInfo>{
new StudentInfo{id="v11",names="AB"},
new StudentInfo{id="v12",names="SA"},
return View(liststudent)

public ActionResult Student(string name)

return View()


**In View**

    <div class="alignright">
    @using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.ListBox("MyList",new SelectList(???));

The problem I am encountering are: 1. How to display the names of the student in the listbox. 2. How to provide an action with the selection.

Try this:

your controller

public ActionResult Student()
    List<StudentInfo> liststudent=new LIst<StudentInfo>{
                        new StudentInfo{id="v11",names="AB"},
                        new StudentInfo{id="v12",names="SA"}}
    return View(liststudent);

your view

@model List<MvcApplication1.Models.StudentInfo>

<div class="alignright">
    @using (Html.BeginForm())
    @Html.ListBox("MyList",new SelectList(model, "id", "names"));

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