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How to set default home page in yii?

I am very new in yii.

How can I set default home page in my site according to user role? what method is used in yii for this.

What i did is, in my index action i render index file. But how can I make it rolebased?

public function actionIndex() {

Any help?

You can change you view file in your default controller and action according to user type for example:

if($usertype == 'user_type1') { $this->render('usertypeview1'); }
if($usertype == 'user_type2') { $this->render('usertypeview2'); }

here usertypeview1 & usertypeview2 is the name of your view files under view folder.

Also you can change the layout as well according to your user type for example:

if($usertype == 'user_type1') { $this->layout = 'column1'; }
if($usertype == 'user_type2') { $this->layout = 'column2'; } 

here column1 and column2 is the layout files under layout folder in views folder

I hope this will help you.

You probably figured this out by now but didn't post your answer. Just in case this helps anyone, one implementation is as follows. I do not know if there is something built into RBAC that does this, but simple enough to implement.

In the file protected/controllers/SiteController.php change 1 line:

public function actionLogin()
    $model=new LoginForm;

    // if it is ajax validation request
    if(isset($_POST['ajax']) && $_POST['ajax']==='login-form')
        echo CActiveForm::validate($model);

    // collect user input data
        // validate user input and redirect to the previous page if valid
        if($model->validate() && $model->login())
            //$this->redirect(Yii::app()->user->returnUrl); change this
                      $this->roleBasedHomePage(); //to this
    // display the login form

and add this method to the same file

protected function roleBasedHomePage() {
    $role='theusersrole' //however you define your role, have the value output to this variable
    switch($role) {
        case 'admin':
        case 'member':

What you redirect to could vary considerably depending on what type of page you want at the home page. In this case I use a static page. If your pages are named consistently you could leave out the switch statement and concatenate the role to the view name within the createURL.

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