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When i add a div element to the page it loose focus an scroll to top

I have a link when its clicked a div containing form elements are added to the page. The problem is when the list become longer. when i add an element to the end of the page, the page focus back to the top making the user to scroll back to the end of the page. How can I prevent it? I tried to use $(this).focus(); but it didn't work.

$("a[id^=link_add_section_]").live('click',function() { // create a section

                var sectionId = $(this).attr('id');
                var sectionIdSplit = sectionId.split('_');

Add an id to your anchor

<a href="#something" id="myAnchor">Something</a>

Bind a click event and prevent default

  return false;

如果您将“ new_div_1”作为新添加的div的ID,并将焦点移至新添加的div,则可以

$("body").animate({ scrollTop: $('#new_div_1').offset().top }, 1000);



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