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django-cms absolute urls to pages

I want to get a list of all pages I have published in my Django-CMS application but I can't seem to get it to render the language-specific urls.

in my settings I have specified:

    ('sv', 'Svenska'),
    ('en', 'English'),

I go in to the admin site, I create a contact-page (That is not site-home) and set different slugs on different languages, 'contact-sv' and 'contact-en' for instance.

Then I have a view that gets a page

from cms.models import Page
page = Page.objects.published()[1]
print 'swe:', page.get_absolute_url(language='sv')
print 'eng:', page.get_absolute_url(language='en')

I then get This output:

swe: /contact-en/
eng: /contact-en/

When I expected the swe-url to be /sv/contact-sv/

I don't need the langage prefix to the path, I can prepend that to the path but I need the language specific path.

我可以为您提供比等待 2.4 版本更好的解决方案,该版本将使用 Django 的内置 i18n_urlpatterns 来处理这个问题,这应该可以解决您遇到的问题,目前,您的答案是唯一的出路。

I bet there is a better way to do it but now I loop through titles on the page object.

for title in page.title_set.all():
    print title.language, title.slug

It works, but I do not like it...

Maybe you could use the sitemap strategy. django cms has it's own sitemap class that runs this code:

class CMSSitemap(Sitemap):
    changefreq = "monthly"
    priority = 0.5

    def items(self):
        all_titles = Title.objects.public().filter(
            Q(redirect='') | Q(redirect__isnull=True),
        return all_titles

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