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Select cell in html table generated by foreach

please help me with knockout.js code

I try select element in table by id and change it's css style, but all rows have same id and I can't using function getElementById. How I can do this simple thing ?

<tbody data-bind="foreach: times">
            <td id=$index() data-bind="click: $root.select.bind($data, $index(), 0)> </td>


        <td id=$index() data-bind="click: $root.select.bind($data, $index(), 19)> </td>


Id's should always be unique. Assign the same class to all elements you're interested in and use a bit of jquery:


EDIT: Good point. I was originally going to suggest using jquery and then remembered this function. If you are using jquery library, you can also try this:

$('.class_name').each(function(index) {
    ...do something...

EDIT: to answer your question, there are a few ways to do this:

$('.class_name').attr('id', new_id)



depending on what exactly you're trying to do

Try to use such code:

<tbody data-bind="foreach: times">
        <td data-bind="attr: {id: $index()}, click: $root.select.bind($data, $index(), 0)></td>

Read more about attr binding here: http://knockoutjs.com/documentation/attr-binding.html

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