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fire the 'itemtap' event dynamically to a list item

When using Sencha Touch 2, I want to fire the itemtap event dynamically to an item of a list ( Ext.List ), I did it in this way:

Ext.getCmp(LIST_ID).container.fireEvent('itemtap', null, null, ITEM_INDEX,
    new Event('itemtap'));

Running this line, the itemtap event was fired on the ITEM_INDEX of the LIST_ID . Now when updating my framework to sencha touch 2.1 this way is not working anymore...

Is their another way to fire this event dynamically?

I use this syntax : fireEvent('itemtap', index, node). To get the node object, you should use getNode() or getAt() .

// For example, to tap the first item
// sencha 1.1
Ext.getCmp(LIST_ID).fireEvent('itemtap', 0, Ext.getCmp(LIST_ID).getNode(0)); 
// sencha 2.1
Ext.getCmp(LIST_ID).fireEvent('itemtap', 0, Ext.getCmp(LIST_ID).getAt(0)); 


a working example is


In general if you have an event (in st api documentation) defined as: itemtap( this, index, target, record, e, eOpts )

to fire an event you must:

obj.fireEvent('eventname',this, index, target, record, e, eOpts )

the args after 'eventname' are in the exact right order as in the api doc for the event signature!

that's all folks!

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