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Why is my variable undefined inside the Underscore.js each function?

Here is my code:

TextClass = function () {
    this._textArr = {};

TextClass.prototype = {
    SetTexts: function (texts) {
        for (var i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
            this._textArr[texts[i].Key] = texts[i].Value;
    GetText: function (key) {
        var value = this._textArr[key];
        return String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? 'N/A' : value;

I'm using the Underscore.js library and would like to define my SetTexts function like this:

_.each(texts, function (text) {
    this._textArr[text.Key] = text.Value;

but _textArr is undefined when I get into the loop.

In JavaScript, the function context, known as this , works rather differently .

You can solve this in two ways:

  1. Use a temporary variable to store the context:

     SetTexts: function (texts) { var that = this; _.each(texts, function (text) { that._textArr[text.Key] = text.Value; }); } 
  2. Use the third parameter to _.each() to pass the context:

     SetTexts: function (texts) { _.each(texts, function (text) { this._textArr[text.Key] = text.Value; }, this); } 

You have to pass this as context for _.each call like this:

_.each(texts, function (text) {
    this._textArr[text.Key] = text.Value;
}, this);

See the docs for http://underscorejs.org/#each

this in javascript does not work the same way as you would expect. read this article: http://www.digital-web.com/articles/scope_in_javascript/

short version:

the value of this changes every time you call a function. to fix, set another variable equal to this and reference that instead

TextClass = function () {
    this._textArr = {};

TextClass.prototype = {
    SetTexts: function (texts) {
        var that = this;
        for (var i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
            that._textArr[texts[i].Key] = texts[i].Value;
    GetText: function (key) {
        var value = this._textArr[key];
        return String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ? 'N/A' : value;

Note that you can also pass things other that "this". For example, I do something like:

var layerGroupMasterData = [[0],[1,2,3],[4,5],[6,7,8,9],[10]];

    _.each(layerGroup, function (layer, i) {

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