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Yii updateAll() add 1 to current value of row

Simply said, I am trying to do this:

                'position'=>'- 1'
            "position > {$position} AND sidebar_id = {$sidebar_id}"

Does anyone have a clue if this works, or give some other suggestions how to achieve this?

Having a hard time to debug this since I can't exactly make up what values are chaning when in my database. So I was hoping anyone here would directly know how to do this.

Thanks in advance

You can try as below

Yii::app()->db->commandBuilder->createUpdateCounterCommand('{{myTable}}', array(
  'position' => 1, // -1 for decrementing
  new CDbCriteria(array(
        "condition" => "position > :pos AND sidebar_id = :id",
        "params" => array(

If you have higher version of Yii , then you can use http://www.yiiframework.com/wiki/282/using-counters-with-activerecord/

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