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Jekyll powered site - amount of text shown on homepage

I am setting my blog up using the fantastic Jekyll. Question is my markdown files are being shown in full on the homepage. How do i make them look more like this? So that only a little bit comes up with the title? Thanks.


EDIT: As of Jekyll 1.0, this is not longer necessary (Answer is outdated).

Jekyll 1.0 exports a post.excerpt variable that contains the first paragraph of a post by default.


So, you want to show an excerpt of the post, instead of the full post?

Theres three ways to do that:

  • Render the full post but use CSS to hide everything that is not needed
  • Use filters. You can access post.content , use the truncate filter to truncate it and the markdownify filter to render it.
  • Specify the excerpt in YAML Front Matter and render it using {{post.excerpt | markdownify}} {{post.excerpt | markdownify}} (that is what i do on my blog)

Each of those blocks between horizontal lines are links to the actual blog post. Any time I have a question about how someone did something on their webpage I always view-source.

The source for that page is - view-source:http://daverupert.com/

To find out how to do something in markdown I like this site - http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics

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