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Centralized GIT workflow/deployment - Release Branch

Following on from my previous question regarding feature branches with you can find here Centralized GIT workflow/deployment - Repository Initialization and Feature Branches I've got a few questions about 'Release branches'.

Firstly, I'll go through the workflow:

The state of develop is ready for the “next release” and we have decided that this will become version 1.0

git checkout -b release-1.0 develop

./bump-version.sh 1.0

OK my first question. Do I need to create the bump-version script or can I download it from somewhere? What does it specifically do and where does it need to be installed?

I'm a bit confused about your question. Do you need a script that can tell you the actual version number?

You could try git describe master for instance, which will give you a specific name from the latest tag you created. Take a look on the Preparing a release section on the Pro Git book.

From the looks of your previous question you are attempting to follow: http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/

Have you tried to use git-flow? It was designed to help with these questions.


"What bump-version.sh does" would depend on your build process. For instance if you use maven , it might sed your pom to set the version. If you use sbt , you could keep the version setting in a separate version.sbt file and the script could just overwrite the whole file.

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