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AngularJS Event not firing from $rootScope

I've got a problem where $rootScope.$broadcast events aren't being fired:

    var text = 'Not So Static Now';
    $rootScope.$broadcast('event:staticText', text);
}).$inject = ['$rootScope'];

App.controller('Ctrl1', function($scope, $rootScope) {
   $scope.staticText = "Static Text";

    var things = [

    $scope.$emit('event:things', things);

    $scope.$on('event:staticText', function(e, args){
        $scope.staticText = args;

}).$inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope'];

The above should change the {{staticText}} output to 'Not so Static Now' but it doesn't.

I've created a JSFiddle to demonstrate the problem http://jsfiddle.net/flavrjosh/uXzTV/

This is part of a bigger issue I'm trying to debug where IE9 isn't firing the events after the page gets refreshed (works first time but on refresh - F5 or the refresh button nothing happens).

Any help / Advice would be appreciated

It appears that the problem's caused by the Child scopes not being setup when the $rootScope.$broadcast event is fired.

I resolved the example by using:

App.run(function($rootScope, $timeout){
    var text = 'Not So Static Now';

        $rootScope.$broadcast('event:staticText', text);
    }, 100);
}).$inject = ['$rootScope'];


App.controller('Ctrl1', function($scope, $rootScope) {
    $scope.staticText = "Static Text";

    var things = [

    $scope.$emit('event:things', things);

    $scope.$on('event:staticText', function(e, args){
            $scope.staticText = args;

}).$inject = ['$scope', '$rootScope'];

which can be seen here

Not sure if this is the best solution but it works.

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