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Assign Column name to first column R table

I want to save the following table out of R :

x <- rnorm(100)
y <- rnorm(100)
z <- rnorm(100)
model <- z ~ x + y
results <- glm(model)
pe <- results$coefficients
vc <- vcov(results)
se <- sqrt(diag(vc))
results.table <- round(cbind(pe, se),3)
rownames(results.table) <- c("Intercept", "X-Estimate", "Y-Estimate")
colnames(results.table) <- c("Parameter", "pe", "Se")

However, I am unable to provide a column name for the rownames:

colnames(results.table) <- c("pe", "Se")     # works
colnames(results.table) <- c("Param", "pe", "Se")    # Doesn't work, incorrect length


According to a comment, this is impossible. Here is a roundabout way of doing this, if you are interested:

rows <- c("Intercept", "X-Estimate", "Y-Estimate")
results.table <- round(cbind(pe, se),3)
results.table <- cbind(rows,results.table)
colnames(results.table) <- c("Parameter", "pe", "Se")

A bit shorter than what you suggested in your question's "UPDATE" would be:

write.csv(cbind(Parameter = rownames(results.table), results.table),
          file = "test.csv", row.names = FALSE)

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