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Need to send asynchronous url request using php and know, the time required

I have a database in the cloud, i need to know, at what time and the number of requests will the server crashes down, so I have thought of sending asynchronous requests using php and then find the time needed for serving each of it. I am bit confused as in how to proceed, I am not sure, if cURL will be useful here. Just a layout of how to proceed will be helpful.

ab -n 1000 -c 10 http://yourserver.com/

-n number of requests -c concurrency

There other tools to benchmark server

ab is a part of apache tools

Use siege or Apache benchmark tool to load test your server by calling single or multiple urls, you can increase concurrency, volume of the requests to the server. siege will give you detail report of the requests and concurrency and how is your server performing, you even call your single server from multiple other servers.

It means that server is heavly loaded with the request ie, all the threads are busy serving the request. Solution : either increase the maxThread attribute count for connector in server.xml file or increase acceptCount attribute value.

acceptcount : The maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request processing threads are in use. Any requests received when the queue is full will be refused.

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