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Is “fn ()” treated differently to “fn()” when invoking a function?

There are some conventions when it comes to using brackets in JavaScript , but do they actually get treated differently when the brackets are used to invoke.

Is fn () different to fn() in any way , except to the human reader?

Further, is there a difference between (fn)() and fn() , and if yes which of these to would fn () resemble?

For this question fn can be any function function fn() {} or var fn = function () {}

EDIT : This question isn't "Will they have the same result?", it is about if/how JavaScript compilers treat them.

没有区别, fn () = fn() = (fn)()但是function fn() {} != var fn = function() {}因为提升是如何工作的。

不, fn()fn ()(fn)()(fn) ()都是同一个意思。

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