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Joomla Menuitem SEF url

I am building a module in Joomla. I am using the Module Parameter (Menuitem). It returns the menu id to the default.php file in the module.

I then build a URL with the following code:

$itemID = $params->get( 'url' ); // Menuitem id
$application = JFactory::getApplication();
$menu = $application->getMenu();
$item = $menu->getItem( $itemID );
$link = new JURI($item->link);
$link->setVar( 'ItemId', $itemid );
$articleLink = $link;

It works correctly but the link is not a SEF url:

It is:


instead of:


How would i convert the url to a SEF url? any help would be appeciated

You can create sef url using JRoute. This may help you-


for more details read this- http://docs.joomla.org/Search_Engine_Friendly_URLs


//article sef
$catslug = $row->catid.':'.$row->category_alias;
$slug = $row->id.':'.$row->alias;
$link = JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getArticleRoute($slug, $catslug));

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