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Inno Setup - FileCopy use wildcard character in pathname

I'm trying to copy all database files over from a previous installation to a new installation, which has a new pathname. The problem is that the installer will not know the names of the database files, so I'm trying to use a wildcard character.

I tried using TFileStream.Create(), but this was searching for a single file, such as "*.mdb", and I kept getting an error saying it couldn't find that file. I also tried using FileCopy(), but it seems to simply fail and move on. I even tried using Exec() to run it through command line, but it would just freeze the installation.

I've searched online a long time for an answer and read through a lot of the documentation. I just need to know how I can use a wildcard character to copy files with unknown names. Below are examples of what I've tried.


    OldDBs := 'C:\Users\seang\Desktop\Old\*.mdb';
    NewDBs := 'C:\Users\seang\Desktop\New\*.mdb';
    SourceDB:= TFileStream.Create(OldDBs, fmOpenRead);
    DestDB:= TFileStream.Create(NewDBs, fmCreate);
    DestDB.CopyFrom(SourceDB, SourceDB.Size);


    FileCopy('C:\Users\seang\Desktop\Old\*.mdb', 'C:\Users\seang\Desktop\New\*.mdb', True);

Command Line

    Exec('cmd.exe', 'COPY "C:\Users\seang\Desktop\Old\*.mdb" "C:\Users\seang\Desktop\New\*.mdb"', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ErrorCode);

You need to use FindFirst , FindNext , and FindClose to iterate through the folder. You get each database name, and then copy it individually. An example of doing that in Pascal (Delphi) can be found here . There's also an example of using them in the InnoSetup help file, in the Support Functions Reference section on File System Functions :

// This example counts all of the files (not folders) in the System directory.
  FilesFound: Integer;
  FindRec: TFindRec;
  FilesFound := 0;
  if FindFirst(ExpandConstant('{sys}\*'), FindRec) then begin
        // Don't count directories
        if FindRec.Attributes and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0 then
          FilesFound := FilesFound + 1;
      until not FindNext(FindRec);
  MsgBox(IntToStr(FilesFound) + ' files found in the System directory.',
    mbInformation, MB_OK);

You can change the loop above to look in the proper old folder for each *.mdb (in the FindFirst call) and change the line that counts to a block that copies each file found into the new folder (using either FileCopy or a TFileStream , whichever you prefer).


Exec('cmd.exe', '/c COPY "C:\Users\seang\Desktop\Old\*.mdb" "C:\Users\seang\Desktop\New"', '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ErrorCode);

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