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node.js how to handle intentionally large (and bad) http requests

I'm working out on a few projects using node and each line of code that I write spans lots of ideas of how could someone destroy my node process.

Right now I'm thinking of this:

require('http').createServer(function(req, res)) {
  }.listen(port, net);

That's standard code for setting up a server and dealing with requests.

Let's say that I want to bring down that node process, I could send POST requests with loads of data on them and node.js would spend lots of time (and bandwith) on receiving all of them.

Is there a way to avoid this?

PHP Pros: How do you normally deal with this?

Is there a way to tell node or php (maybe apache) to just ignore requests from certain IPs ?

You can limit the http request size. Here is the middleware you can use.



PS Possibility duplication from maximum request lengths in node.js

For getting the IP address in node.js, you can try request.connection.remoteAddress .

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