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How do I prevent a javascript function from rendering before another function rendering?

Theoretically speaking let's say I have 3 javascript (jquery) functions that create visual effects. If I want one of them to render after the first two have been rendered, how can I do this?


 <script type="text/javascript">

 $(function() {
 var transition = 'slow';
 var target1 = $('#somediv');
 var target2 = $('#second_div');
 var target3 = $('#third_div');

 <script type="text/javascript">
 $.fn.teletype = function(opts){
 var $this = this,
    defaults = {
        animDelay: 50
    settings = $.extend(defaults, opts);

 $.each(settings.text, function(i, letter){
        $this.html($this.html() + letter);
    }, settings.animDelay * i);

    animDelay: 200,
    text: 'Hello, this is your classmate!'


 <div id="somediv">Some Content</div>
 <div id="second_div"></div>
 <div id="third_div">Some third content</div>

I've made this demo. It demonstrates how to make one animation wait for two other animations to finish:

var anim1 = $( '#elem1' ).animate({ width: 200 }, 3000 );
var anim2 = $( '#elem2' ).animate({ width: 200 }, 2000 );

$.when( anim1, anim2 ).done(function () {
   $( '#elem3' ).animate({ width: 200 }, 1000 );

Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m67Ua/

You can apply the same technique for your fading requirements:

var fade1 = $( '#img1' ).fadeIn( 3000 );
var fade2 = $( '#img2' ).fadeIn( 2000 );

$.when( fade1, fade2 ).done(function () {
   $( '#img3' ).fadeIn( 1000 );

Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/m67Ua/1/

Just as improvement, you can pass an array of animations

 var array = new Array();
 array.push( $( '#img1' ).fadeIn( 3000 ));
 array.push( $( '#img2' ).fadeIn( 2000 ));

And then the trick is change from array to list arguments as expected by jquery, using the apply method

$.when.apply(this, array ).done(function () {
    $( '#img3' ).fadeIn( 1000 );

Live demo:


i needed the callbacks and the done, so check this out:

    $('#container .item')
        .animate({"opacity": "0"}, 1000, 
            function onCallbackForEach () {
                console.log('callback on element called');
).done( function onFinally () {
    console.log('done called');

which gives me access to handle the elements each after their animation (eg replace an old one with them), and aditionally having a single callback to do work after all of the animations have finished...

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