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How do I change/replace a flash object with jquery or pure javascript?

I want to change a flash object enclosed within with jQuery after an onClick event. The code I wrote, essentially:

$(enclosing div).html('');
$(enclosing div).html(<object>My New Object</object>);

works in Firefox but not in IE. I would appreciate pointers or suggestions on doing this. Thanks.

The empty() method is the better way of deleting content. Don't know if that will solve your problem though :)


You could also try the replaceWith(content) method.

Try the $().remove() method. This also removes event handlers to avoid memory leak problems and is one of the reasons why just setting the HTML to empty is not a good idea.

This is what I'm doing - it's taken from the swfobject and modified slightly:

function removeObjectInIE(el) {
    var jbo = (typeof(el) == "string" ? getElementById(el) : el);
    if (jbo) {
        for (var i in jbo) {
            if (typeof jbo[i] == "function") {
                jbo[i] = null;

function removeSWF(id) {
    var obj = (typeof(id) == "string" ? getElementById(id) : id);
        if (obj.nodeName == "OBJECT" || obj.nodeName == "EMBED") {
            if (ua.ie && ua.win) {
                if (obj.readyState == 4) {
                else {
                    $(document).ready(function() { removeObjectInIE(id); });
            else {
        }else if(obj.childNodes && obj.childNodes.length > 0){
            for(var i=0;i<obj.childNodes.length;i++){

So you would then do removeSWF("mydiv"); - You'd probably want to rewrite this in a jQuery manner, this is taken from a library I am working on where I can't be certain jQuery will be there. (I replaced my on ready function with the $().ready())

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