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How can I redirect PowerShell output when run from Task Scheduler?

When running a simple PowerShell script from Task Scheduler, I would like to redirect the output to a file.

There is a long thread about this very topic here , yet it's not clear if they reached the most appropriate solution in the end. I'm interested if anyone on Stack Overflow has also solved this problem, and how they did it?

I use the transcript feature to help with this. Just include it in your code and it outputs all (would be) screen content to a log file.

Start-Transcript -path $LogFile -append

<Body of the script>


Here is the command that worked for me. I didn't like the idea of redirecting the output in the script, since it would make it difficult to run manually.

powershell -windowstyle minimized -c "powershell -c .\myscript.ps1 -verbose >> \\server\myscript.log 2>&1"

The following works for me on Windows 7:

 powershell -command c:\temp\pscript.ps1 2>&1 > c:/temp/apickles.log

In the Windows 7 Task Scheduler GUI:

 program = "Powershell"
 arguments = "-command c:\temp\pscript.ps1 2>&1 > c:/temp/apickles.log"

Note that "-file" does not work because all parameters after the file name are interpreted as parameters to the file. Note that "2>&1" redirects the error output to the log file as well. Later versions of PowerShell do this in a slightly different way.

A combination of all the previous answers really helped me out...

My problem was that I needed to execute a PowerShell script over WinRM as part of a Packer provisioner, and it kept failing due to rights issues. The way around this is to execute as a scheduled task, but I needed to pass arguments to the script and get the output as well to confirm everything passed.

This snippet worked well for me:

# Generate a unique ID for this execution
$guid = [guid]::NewGuid()
$logFile = "C:\Windows\Temp\$guid.log"

$argument = "-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Command ""& {""$ScriptPath"" $ScriptArgs} 2>&1 > $logFile"""

$a = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "powershell.exe" -Argument $argument
Register-ScheduledTask -TaskName $TaskName  -RunLevel Highest -User $username -Password $password -Action $a | Start-ScheduledTask
do {
    Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
    $task = Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $TaskName
} while ($task.State -eq 4)

The full script can be found here:


It would be maybe easier to use Start-Transcript in order to log directly to a file:

# Get script name
$ScriptFullPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
# Start logging stdout and stderr to file
Start-Transcript -Path "$ScriptFullPath.log" -Append

[Some PowerShell commands]

# Stop logging to file

The log file will be in the same directory as the script.

I would do:
Create a function to call your script and redirect the output of this function like this:


function test{
    # Your simple script commands
    ls c:\temp -Filter *.JPG
    ls z:\ # Non-existent directory

test *> c:\temp\log.txt

Here is the log file:

    Répertoire : C:\temp

Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
-a---        07/06/2008     11:06     176275 HPIM1427.JPG
-a---        07/06/2008     11:06      69091 HPIM1428.JPG
-a---        07/06/2008     11:06     174661 HPIM1429.JPG

ls : Lecteur introuvable. Il n'existe aucun lecteur nommé « z ».
Au caractère C:\temp\test.ps1:14 : 1
+ ls z:\ #non existent dir
+ ~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (z:String) [Get-ChildItem], Driv
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : DriveNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetC

You can control what do you want to output with the new V3 redirection operators:

Do-Something 3> warning.txt  # Writes warning output to warning.txt
Do-Something 4>> verbose.txt # Appends verbose.txt with the verbose output
Do-Something 5>&1            # Writes debug output to the output stream
Do-Something *> out.txt      # Redirects all streams (output, error, warning, verbose, and debug) to out.txt

I tested the following on Windows Server 2016, only call powershell once. This way you can have folder names with a space:

Powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -WindowStyle minimized "scriptName.ps1 *>> '\\servername\sharename\folder name with space\logfilename.log'"

PowerShell 3 onwards allows individual streams (out, verbose, and error) to be redirected. However, Task Scheduler does not understand them. It's PowerShell that does the redirection.

@cmcginty's solution halfway works, since PowerShell is invoking PowerShell. It only supports standard streams (error and out). If you want to use all streams you need to use:

Program or script: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe

Argument: -windowstyle minimized –NonInteractive –NoProfile -c "powershell -c path_to_ps1.ps1 4>>verbose.log 5>>debug.log"

Start in: path_to_ps1

I'm inspired to write this answer by a comment-question from Anders (How do you add a timestamp?), and by the multiple replies that invoke PowerShell twice, which I would argue is not required. The task scheduler program is clearly "powershell.exe" and for the arguments I would suggest simply:

-noninteractive -c "scriptpath.ps1 *>>logpath.txt"

To keep a file per day, then:

-noninteractive -c "scriptpath.ps1 *>>logpath-$((get-date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd')).txt"

And if you do want a log file with timestamp, you could remove the second ">" (two indicating append to any existing file) and expand the time format:

-noninteractive -c "scriptpath.ps1 *>logpath-$((get-date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss-fff')).txt"

The below sends verbose output to the screen as well as log it to a file.

something you're doing -Verbose 4>&1 | Tee-Object "C:\logs\verb.log" -Append

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