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NS_OPTIONS matches

I am trying to implement the following typedef

typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSInteger, MyCellCorners) {

and correctly assign a value with

MyCellCorners cellCorners = (MyCellCornerTopLeft | MyCellCornerTopRight);

when drawing my cell, how can I check which of the options match so I can correctly draw it.

Use bit masking:

typedef NS_OPTIONS (NSInteger, MyCellCorners) {
    MyCellCornerTopLeft = 1 << 0,
    MyCellCornerTopRight = 1 << 1,
    MyCellCornerBottomLeft = 1 << 2,
    MyCellCornerBottomRight = 1 << 3,

MyCellCorners cellCorners = MyCellCornerTopLeft | MyCellCornerTopRight;

if (cellCorners & MyCellCornerTopLeft) {
    // top left corner set

if (etc...) {


The correct way to check for this value is to first bitwise AND the values and then check for equality to the required value.

MyCellCorners cellCorners = MyCellCornerTopLeft | MyCellCornerTopRight;

if ((cellCorners & MyCellCornerTopLeft) == MyCellCornerTopLeft) {
    // top left corner set

The following reference explains why this is correct and provides other insights into enumerated types.

Reference: checking-for-a-value-in-a-bit-mask

I agree with NSWill. I recently had a similar issue with wrong comparison.

The right if statement should be:

if ((cellCorners & MyCellCornerTopLeft) == MyCellCornerTopLeft){

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