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Xcode Save for Enterprise or Ad-Hoc Deployment fails - “Code signing operation failed”

Starting today, I can't export/save apps in .ipa. Every time I try, I get a message at the signing moment:

Invalid arguments were passed to codesign. Arguments were: --sign 351424d48e1f5c926f2fc268f1a286d14faefb77 --force --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules /var/folders/nl/0q4kl6ws57j3cx3pbzgfqjph0000gn/T/8860C8DC-DF6C-425D-9ED6-643BCD543AB5-1576-0000059990815932/Test.app/Test

Were can be the problem?

How could I solve it?

Thanks in advance!

Did you install some self-sign apps for resign cracked ipa??

if you did, I can help with it, Check out my fix here

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