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PHP - Relative paths “require”

My directory structure looks like this:

blog -> admin -> index.php

I have been trying to include ( require , really) blog.php in the admin/index.php , but facing lots of errors. I'm following a PHP course, and the instructor does the same thing successfully.


require "../blog.php";

which, in turn, requires two more files in its directory.

require "db.php";
require "functions.php";

If you find that relative include paths aren't working as expected, a quick fix is to prepend __DIR__ to the front of the path you're trying to include.

require __DIR__ . "/../blog.php";

It's reasonably clean, and you don't need to modify the include path or working directory.

If you are including this files db.php and functions.php in index.php then you have to write this code

require "../db.php";
require "../functions.php";

OR if you are including this files in blog.php then write this code

require "db.php";
require "functions.php";

You need to set the include_path in your php.ini.

If you want to set it at run-time, use set_include_path() .

I like to start my files with chdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) . This allows me to get a nice and logical base path for all my includes.

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