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Django-nose strange output

I am trying different testing tools for my django project. I am also new into django and python. I have installed django and django-nose on my virtualenv. I edited settings.py file as requested in django-nose documentation. When I run my tests with command python manage.py test app I get following output :

Creating test database for alias 'default'...


DEBUG 2012-12-17 01:04:20,647 generic (10716) generic.py:261 execute "SET FOREIG
N_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
DEBUG 2012-12-17 01:04:20,661 generic (10716) generic.py:261 execute "SET FOREIG
N_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"



There is lot of similiar lines with DEBUG at start, I represent them with those 4 dots. After all those lines follows test report which looks normal.

So question is, is there specific problem with my settings? Or is it normal nose output?


Place where are my tests stored. init contains test suite.

Py.test run my tests without any problems.

Thanks for answer.

I found out that this comes from running south and nose at the same time.

You can comment out south if that's an option. If this doesn't work check out this neat solution:


My output was similar, but slightly different:

execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"
execute "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0;" with params "[]"

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