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Show a hidden div on page load

I have a tr like this in my jsp.

<tr id = "fromDate" style="display:none;">

I also have a select like this.

    <select id="select2" name="dateRange1" 
    <option value="0" <c:if test='${dateRange == 0}'> 
            selected </c:if>>Select a Date</option>

The javascript function used in the select is as below.

function chooseDate(val) {
        if (val == "0") { 

So if the selected row is not 0, i wont be displaying the tr in the page. This is working fine.
I set the dateRange variable in request.setAttribute() and sending it from action.
The problem is the option is selected properly from the request value, but the tr is not shown
I tried running it like this outside the form in jsp, hoping that it will get executed before the page load, but didn't happen.

<script language="javascript">

Any thoughts?

Try this!

<script language="javascript">
   window.onload = function() {

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