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How do I install Frank when my project is using Cocoapods?

I have a sample, new project that and I used Cocoapods to install TestFlight and RestKit . Now I am trying to add Frank but "frank build" does not work.

I've tried following steps listed here ;

I've tried to modify the franked ../Frank/frankify.xcconfig and I've modified the .xcconfig for the default target.

When I run "frank build", the build fails and leaves me a message, "ld: library not found for -lPods" .

Any ideas on how to get this to work?



frank build --workspace YourWorkspace.xcworkspace/ --scheme YourProject

You are going to have this problem because the scheme is missing for the Pods project that provides this library. You need to tweak the build script/Frank to use the new xcworkspace instead of the original xcodeproj file. Changing that should get you your normal project and the Pods static library it depends on.

This also happens with Jenkins and Hudson builds too. The problem isn't isolated to just Frank.

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