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Silverlight -CRM2011 : The Currency Cannot Be null

I use Silverlight o-data services to interact with crm 2011 from my application When I try to save the data in the entity SalesOrder as follows:

Private void beginSave()
SalesOrder orderHeader = new SalesOrder();

orderHeader.TransactionCurrencyId = new EntityReference(){ Id = new Guid("77D695B5-ACB4-E111-97BC-00155D55B216"), LogicalName="transactioncurrency" };
orderHeader.AccountId = new EntityReference() { Id = new Guid(MyClassGeneralOrder.customerId), LogicalName = "account" };
orderHeader.Name = "My Name";
Money totalAmount = new Money(); Money totalAmountBase = new Money(); 
Money totalTaxe = new Money(); Money totalAmountLessFreight = new Money();
totalAmount.Value = (decimal)MyClassGeneralOrder.InvoiceTotal;
totalAmountBase.Value = (decimal)MyClassGeneralOrder.totalRetail;
totalTaxe.Value = (decimal)MyClassGeneralOrder.totalCharges;
totalAmountLessFreight.Value = (decimal)MyClassGeneralOrder.totalNet;
orderHeader.TotalAmount = totalAmount;
orderHeader.TotalAmount_Base = totalAmountBase;
orderHeader.TotalTax = totalTaxe;
orderHeader.TotalAmountLessFreight = totalAmountLessFreight;
orderHeader.Description = element.Name;
orderHeader.PriceLevelId = new EntityReference() { Id = new Guid("03C5C4CB-EBD0-E111-8140-00155D55B216"), LogicalName="pricelevel" };

_context.BeginSaveChanges(SaveCallback, orderHeader);


private void SaveCallback(IAsyncResult result)


In my function EndSaveChanges (result), I receive this error message : : « The Currency Cannot Be null ». I don't understand why, because my "orderHeader.TransactionCurrencyId" field is not null.

I assuming that all of your other Currency fields are populated?

Any chance you have another plugin that is firing as a result of yours that is throwing the exception. That always seems to bite me. Try disabling all other plugins except for the one you're working on...

If you're still having issues, turn on crm server side tracing. You'll get much better error information. Use the CRM diagnostic tool to turn on trace logging: http://crmdiagtool2011.codeplex.com

Mostly your Guid is wrong and it's resulting in null. Make sure it's the correct GUID you are using or not. Run an advanced find against the entity and find the correct GUID. It's not a good idea to hard code the GUID. If you deploy your solutions to some other org it won't work.

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