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In JQuery UI, how can I decrement the count as items are dragged between droppable areas?

I'm using JQuery UI 1.8.3, please see diagram below for my page setup.
I am counting the number of items dragged into droppable areas however the count is not correct when I drag an item out from A to B. For example, if I drag item 1 to box A the count (#) for box A becomes 1, but then if I drag item 1 from A to B, the count for box A remains 1 but I need it to decrement to 0.

  +------------------------+      +-----------------------+
  | Items (Dragable items) |      | A (Droppable Area)  # |
  |------------------------|      |-----------------------|
  |  item 1                |      |                       |
  |  item 2                |      |                       |
  |  item ...              |      +-----------------------+
  |  item n                |
  |                        |      +-----------------------+
  |                        |      | B (Droppable Area)  # |
  |                        |      |-----------------------|
  |                        |      |                       |
  |                        |      |                       |
  +------------------------+      +-----------------------+

My code looks like this to drop items:

    drop: function(event, ui) {

    // count the items in the box and update

What would be the correct way to decrement the box count when an item is dropped out of the box A or B? Please let me know if anything doesn't make sense.


On each drop event, count the number of objects in each droppable area and update your counters.

Something like this would give you the count of objects:

$(".dropArea").each(function (index, elem) {

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