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MVC Controller Action Gets Called Multiple Times When Layout Is Specified

I'm having a problem where a controller action is called at least twice. I have a view that has another view as its layout page, and the view is called multiple times. If I remove the specification for the layout then the action is consistently executed once. I looked through StackOverflow and other sites but couldn't find a problem which had the same characteristics as mine so I'm posting a new question.

   Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ProfileLayout.cshtml";

Index.cshtml inside my Profile folder: @{
ViewBag.Title = "Index";    

Controller Action:
public ActionResult Index()
        //ToDo: BusinessLogic
        //This method gets called twice
        return View();

It seem's like a simple problem and I'm definitely missing something obvious. I've posted the sample project on this site: https://skydrive.live.com/#cid=F2DAB940147490B0&id=F2DAB940147490B0%21140

Any ideas what's wrong?


Update: Here's the view: @{ ViewBag.Title = "TestMVCProject"; Layout = null; }

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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and here's the footer page:

 <div class="footer">
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Update: @Tieson T: Thanks, I changed this to be Html.Partial instead of RenderPage. However the problem still persists as the action method still gets called twice... (Editing description as I don't have privileges to add comments)

I figured out the problem. There was this line in the code:

<img alt="TestMVCProject Logo" src="#" width="350" height="150" id="TestMVCProjectLogo" />

The src was going back to the same page. Once I replace it with a "" it works fine now.

I also faced same problem. The Action was rendering twice. The only problem was with

<img id="blah" src="#" alt="your image" /> 

Dont know for what reason src attribute of image was causing to perform rendering twice on page.

I just changed it to ""`

<img id="blah" src="" alt="your image" />

and it is working fine now.

Since your _Footer.cshtml view is just plain old HTML, there is absolutely no reason to call @RenderPage() to insert it into your layout. Use @Html.Partial() instead:


I honestly don't know for sure why the layout is called twice, but I assume @RenderPage() (which I've never had a need for) renders an entire HTML page and injects the results. You'd have to check the page source in your browser to confirm.


@Url.Content(...) is causing the model to get called twice for me. Maybe some others issue as well


guy's if none of the above works like me, try disabling Conveyor extension.

that mas my nightmare.


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