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Text expansion in Vim

In Vim, I'd like to type…


and have it expand to…

(r 1)(d 1)(l 1)(u 1)

and for…


to expand to…

(r 2)(d 4)(l 2)(u 4)

How would I go about making this so?

If you just need a small, fixed set of these, you can simply define :iabb (though they will expand with Space , not Tab ). Alternatively, there are plugins like snipMate -- they even do the expansion with Tab by default.

However, if you need expansion of arbitrary numbers, a fixed scheme won't work and you have to implement a custom mapping for <Tab> that extracts the keyword before the cursor and replaces it with the expansion, like this:

:inoremap <Tab> <Tab>$<Esc>:substitute/\<\(\d\+\)x\(\d\+\)\s*\%#/(r \1)(d \2)(l \1)(u \2)/e<CR>0f$s

This temporarily inserts a $ placeholder to restore the original cursor position after the substitution; you could implement something better with getpos() / setpos() .

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