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Ember.js: converting an app to Router API V2

I'm pretty new to Ember.js and while developing an app I just found out about the new router API. which was merged and has no documentation at all (except for this - https://gist.github.com/3981133 )

I have no idea about how to even start converting my app to the new router API. this "walkthrough" doesn't help much.

1) how do I connect templates to named outlets, for example {{outlet main}} ?

2) I use App.router.someController and App.router.get('store').findAll() and .find() all over, what should those be replaced with ?

3) is there any change to the handlebars tag in html <script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="templateName"> ?

that all I can think for now..

I just finished this upgrade myself on a small example project


To answer a few of your questions directly

1) no more connectOutlets noise - just map a route to an ember route class/object. this approach is very convention based btw (template/view/controller/route all match)

CodeCamp.Router.map(function(match) {
  match("/session/:session_id").to("session"); //no route needed -ember will apply the context for you
  match("/speaker/:speaker_id").to("speaker"); //same as above so long as my handlebars template name matches (speaker for this route)

CodeCamp.SessionsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  setupControllers: function(controller) {
    controller.set('content', CodeCamp.Session.find());

2 a) you get the store in the router like so


2 b) you can commit the store from within your controller like so


3) my handlebars stuff was unchanged with the exception of route related helpers

I remove action helpers defined with <a {{action and used linkTo instead

  {{#linkTo 'session' session}}View Session Details{{/linkTo}}

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