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Rails, Jasmine-headless: Specs only run inside guard

I'm trying to set up a rails/backbone/jasmine suite, and I'm having a problem getting jasmine-headless-webkit to run.

If I run the jasmine suite via guard, it passes, but if I run jasmine-headless-webkit from console, I get:

2013-01-01 10:06:22.855 jasmine-webkit-specrunner[1809:707] * WARNING: Method userSpaceScaleFactor in class NSView is deprecated on 10.7 and later. It should not be used in new applications. Use convertRectToBacking: instead. SyntaxError: Parse error

Test ordering seed: --seed 5430

And no tests run.

Just to clarify, the jasmine suite not only loads, but passes via Guard...but no joy at all in jasmine-headless-webkit. Any ideas appreciated

老问题,但如果有人还在寻找运行Jasmine测试无头的最佳方法,请查看Snapdragon项目,可在此处获取: https//github.com/reachlocal/snapdragon

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