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wrong rate limit in twitter

I am new to twitter API started working on it on PHP using this library .

// connecting to it and asking for user look up
$twitter->host = "https://api.twitter.com/1/";
$userInfo= $twitter->post( 'users/lookup', array('user_id' => "".$id)); // i am talking about this line

here I am calling users/lookup for each id I have (I know I can put multiple ids comma seprated) but I didn't know that before; any way I noticed I get the rate limit of 150 calls why can't I do more? it should 350 calls since I am using Oauth, is this correct?

What am I doing wrong?

Lots of problems in your code.

  1. You are using API version 1.0 . users/lookup is not available in 1.0 . Its introduced in 1.1 . Use endpoint https://api.twitter.com/1.1/ first.
  2. user/lookup is a GET request not POST . see GET user/lookup . Use $twitter->get() method.
  3. Rate limit for GET users/lookup is 180 per 15 minute window. Thats 720 per hour. See REST API V1.1 Limits

Your final code should something like this,

$twitter->host = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/";
$userInfo= $twitter->get( 'users/lookup', array('user_id' => "".$id));

@shiplu.mokadd.im users/lookup existed in v 1.0 also.

I'm having the same problem with v1, but it seems to be a common problem recently.

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