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getlist on flask

using the request.form.getlist in Flask, I only get the last value of a list. Here below the .py code and html related. If I suppress the following three lines, then I get the full list, but so doing I miss the headers of the html table rows.

<form action="{{ url_for('show_entries')}}" method=get>
<td width="50"><font size="2">{{ L }}</font></td>   

What should I do ? Thanks for any hint !

from flask import Flask, render_template, request, url_for

app = Flask(__name__)

data = [
('t', 0, 'a'),
('t', 0, 'b'),
('t', 0, 'c'),
('t', 0, 'd')

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def show_entries():
  for (i,v) in enumerate(data):
  return render_template('layout2.html', entries=entries)

@app.route('/get', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def get_entries():
  return render_template('test2.html', cl1=cl1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
   app.debug = True

The layout2.html file is:


{% for L in entries %}
<form action="{{ url_for('show_entries')}}" method=get>
<td width="50"><font size="2">{{ L }}</font></td>   
<form action="{{ url_for('get_entries')}}" method=post>
<td width=100 align=center><input type=text name=cn size=3 value=0.0></td>
{% if loop.last==True %}
    <div ALIGN=left>
    <input type=submit value=Submit>
{% endif %}  
{% endfor %}

The test2.html is:

<div ALIGN="center">
<td width="50"><font size="2" face="verdana" color="red">OUTPUT=</font></td>
<form action="{{ url_for('get_entries')}}" method=get></form>
<td width="50"><font size="2" face="verdana" color="red">{{ cl1 }}</font></td>

The only direct descendants that a <tr> element can have are <td> and <th> elements. You can't have a <form> element in there.

Put your <form> tag inside of the <td> and it should work:

<td width="50">
    <form action="{{ url_for('show_entries')}}" method=get>
        <font size="2">{{ L }}</font>

Also, your HTML is outdated:

  • The <font> tag is deprecated.

  • Similarly, the align attribute is also deprecated.

Style things with CSS.

You are opening multiple form elements but only closing one of them - this is probably causing the browser to only send over the last form - and hence only one value is being sent over. Wrap your form around the entire table instead (and remove the nested form) and getlist will work.

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