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meta_search with meta_where gem

I'm using meta_search and meta_where gem.In my controller file:

@search = Project.where('end <= ?', Time.zone.now) 
@search = @search.search(params[:search])

When I run this code I have error in browser like this

PG::Error: ERROR:  syntax error at or near "end"

You may not have an 'end' column on projects, which could mean that you either have a migration and forgot to run it with rake db:migrate , or need to make a migration to add that column. If the column name were end_date, you could do:

rails g migration add_end_date_to_projects end_date:date

Then run the migration.

EDIT: 'end' is a reserved word in PostgreSQL, so I think the column will need to be renamed.

See: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/sql-keywords-appendix.html

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