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how to restrict global variables or functions in node js

how to restrict global variables and functions in node js?

like: require method

i want to limit use of require method. i don't want any node app to access "fs" in my node framework which i build on top of express, they can only require modules which i want them to. and also i want to restrict access to process, global scope .

suppose when i load any js library for any app


var x=require('app1.js');

in my framework

then i want to make sure this app1.js cannot access filesystem using require("fs")


var x=require("fs");
   console.log(typeof x.readSync);

i want this console to print undefined;

and in this sample

var x=require("helper.js");
   console.log(typeof x.hello);

i want this console to print function;

thanks in advance

I'd create a new function that will act like require.

requireSafe = function(param){
    if(!isAllowedLogic(param)) return null;
    else return require(param);

And when someone submits code, you append var require; at the top to prevent them to use the regular require . Or you search in their submission and only approve it if it doesn't contain require nor eval .

Why would you want to do that?

It is not possible to change the way require works, as it is a build-in node.js function.

Try this library, for a bit of detail of how its security works, from the README :

A Node.js subprocess is created by the Jailed library;

the subprocess (down)loads the file containing an untrusted code as a string (or, in case of DynamicPlugin, simply uses the provided string with code)

then "use strict"; is appended to the head of that code (in order to prevent breaking the sandbox using arguments.callee.caller);

finally the code is executed using vm.runInNewContext() method, where the provided sandbox only exposes some basic methods like setTimeout(), and the application object for messaging with the application site.

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