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DIv positioning in html page

<div id="outerwindow" style= "position:absolute ;width:100%;height:100%" >

<canvas id="g_Painter" style="position:relative;width:100%;height:80%"></canvas>
<div id="g_Toolbar" >

div id="innerdiv" >

</body >

Here all div contains some components..Only outer layout I have shown.

My requirement is the canvas div should occupy the 80% height of parent div "outerwindow" .Problem I am facing is irrespective of whatever width and height I specify to canvas, height is only almost half of the outerwindow.But width is 100% of the outerwindow.Kindly help.

change g_Painter position style to absolute

<div id="outerwindow" style= "position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;" >
    <canvas id="g_Painter" style="position:absolute;width:100%;height:80%;"></canvas></div>
  <div id="g_Toolbar"></div>
  <div id="innerdiv"></div>

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