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Push Rails 3.2 site seen as PHP site by Heroku

I've added a few details at the top to explain how I got where I am.

I've created a Rails 3.2 application and I'm pushing it to Heroku. I've pushed several sites to Heroku so I've done this a fair number of times. However, I've never seen this.

I started out with my normal "heroku create" command, then "git push heroku master". When I ran that it returned with the message "No such app as..."

Based on what I saw on Stack Overflow here Pushing app to Heroku problem I then entered "git remote -v", saw two heroku items, entered "git remote rm heroku" to remove these items. I re-ran the "heroku create", "git push heroku master" and the site did push to Heroku, but Heroku thinks it's a PHP site.

There isn't a single line of PHP code in my entire app. In fact the string "PHP" don't exist anywhere.

What did I do wrong and how can I fix it?

Thanks in advance.

Is your gem file named Gemfile and not gemfile? Seen that cause issues before with Heroku. It uses your direction/file structure to know its a rails app and it is case sensitive.

I got it fixed. I deleted the git directory, posted it to a new repository on github, cloned it into a new directory and then created a new Heroku site to push it to.

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