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JavaScript - recursive function (plugin?) with changing arguments until number is reached (jQuery)

I'm looking to improve a script I've written in jQuery to do some animation that chains multiple animations together (in somewhat of a timeline sequence). Instead of manually chaining each individual animation, I'd like to write a function to replace a few elements that are standard in each animation.

Admittedly, I don't have the JavaScript knowledge to know the best practices to accomplish this; that being said, some pointers/examples would be fantastic.

Here's what I've got:

function itemsFirstAnim() {

    // Define each target div
    var one = $(".one");
    var two = $(".two");
    var three = $(".three");
    var four = $(".four");
    var five = $(".five");
    var six = $(".six");
    var seven = $(".seven");
    var eight = $(".eight");
    var nine = $(".nine");
    var ten = $(".ten");
    var eleven = $(".eleven");
    var twelve = $(".twelve");

    // Show a block (opacity 1), give the overlay a position, show and animate it
    twelve.css("opacity", 1).children(".overlay").show().animate({ right: "100%" }, 750, function() {
        // cover the block with the overlay when the animation is done
        twelve.children('.overlay').css({ right: 0 });

        eleven.css("opacity", 1).children(".overlay").show().animate({ bottom: "100%" }, 750, function() {      
            eleven.children('.overlay').css({ bottom: 0 });

            seven.css("opacity", 1).children(".overlay").show().animate({ right: "100%" }, 750, function() {
                seven.children(".overlay").css({ right: 0 });

                and so on....


Ideally, I'd like to have arguments of target and direction to replace the initial selector (ie twelve ) and it's animation direction (ie right: "100%" ). Since each target and direction is different, I can't just write a function and call it inside of itself, unless I nested it 12 times, which also seems rudimentary at best.

Finally, I'd like this function (or maybe a plugin?) to stop executing when all 12 of these have been applied.

Unfortunately, the order of the animation is not sequential (as show in the example. I do know the order of the numbers to animate, however).

Here's an example of what I've got: http://codepen.io/anon/full/Dxzpj

If anyone has any insight, it would be much appreciated. Thanks!

This is not particularly beautiful, but you can customize the order of animations however you want by using custom queues; see the queue and dequeue functions.

A simple example might look like:

$(function () {
  // Use the body to track the animation queue; you can use whatever
  // element you want, though, since we're using a custom queue name
  var $body = $(document.body);

  // Helper functions to cut down on the noise
  var continue_queue = function () {
  var add_to_queue = function (cb) {
    $body.queue("my-fx", cb);

  // Define your queue.  Be sure to use continue_queue as the callback
  add_to_queue(function () {
    $('#one').animate({ height: '8em' }, 750, continue_queue);
  add_to_queue(function () {
    $('#two').animate({ width: '8em' }, 750, continue_queue);

  // Need to call this once to start the sequence

This will track the progress of your overall animation using a separate queue attached to the <body> element. When each part of the animation finishes, it calls continue_queue() to indicate that the next part should run.

You can use this approach to build your animation piecemeal—in separate functions, a loop, etc. And it won't actually start running until you fire it off.

You can see this live and mess with it on jsfiddle .

If you're applying the same settings to all of your elements, a simple recursion could help a lot.

  var $els = $('#one, #two, #three'); // collect all your elements in an array

  (function recursive(el) {
    el.animate({height: '100px'}, 800, function() {
          if (el.next()) recursive(el.next()); // if there are more, run the function again
  })($els.eq(0)); //start with the first one

Working example

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