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How do I allow /Controller/Id in ASP.NET MVC?

I want to visit this url


Where 123 is the thread id .

I can't figure out how to set up my routes or whatever it is.

I thought to add thread to my HomeController , but it appears that it only works if I go to /home/thread .

How do I set up this project so the url /thread/123 will work?

I tried /thread as a controller but it seemed like it thought 123 was an Action Method and the other attempt had thread be in Home rather then root.

You want to add a Route designated for this URI

        "Thread", // Route name
        "thread/{id}", // URL with parameters*
        new { controller = "Thread", action = "Display", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

very important: Add your new route ABOVE the "Default" Route!

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